Newest Coffee Script Programming Tips
_.deepBindAll for Underscore.js
Patrick Camacho
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underscorejs, javascript, coffeescript
Testing your jQuery in Rails
Enrique Vidal
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rails, jquery, jasmine-jquery, javascript
Headless javascript tests in rails
Enrique Vidal
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ruby, coffeescript, rails, evergreen
Coffeescript in Firebug console with Acebug
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coffeescript, console, underscore, firebug
CoffeeScript Style Guide Detected
Pavel Argentov
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a hack attaching select2 to best_in_place
Pavel Argentov
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JavaScript/CoffeeScript binding techniques for different environments
Pavel Pravosud
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underscore, bind, coffeescript, javascript
The CoffeeScript Console
Rudi MK
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coffeescript, chrome
Writing a queue system in Redis
Richard Lyon
8 responses
coffeescript, node, redis, beanstalkd
MiniJS - A suite of jQuery plugins written in CoffeeScript
Héliton Nordt
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coffeescript, jquery plugins, minijs
jQuery DOM ready event with CoffeeScript
Héliton Nordt
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dom, jquery, coffeescript
Dead simple 'Check All' Table Header
Jarrett Green
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javascript, coffeescript, ui
♨ Sugar.js your CoffeeScript
Adam Stankiewicz
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coffeescript, underscore.js, sugar.js, javascript
Extend cleanly any JS class
Adam Stankiewicz
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Expecting an exception in Jasmine-node
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node, testing, bdd, coffeescript
Tom Wilson
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CoffeeScript Partial Functions: A Thing of Beauty
Sudhir Jonathan
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coffeescript, functional
Creating an interactive SVG map
Javier Toledo
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coffeescript, raphaeljs, javascript
Coffeescript, is worth to learn it!
Javier Toledo
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javascript, coffeescript
Define your express routes as properties
James Womack
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coffeescript, nodejs, http, express.js
Extended Paul Irish's DOM-based Routing for CoffeeScript
Tadas Tamošauskas
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rails, web, routing, coffeescript
pp.js :: Pseudo-Parallel Async library ::
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nodejs, coffeescript, javascript
Simple Music Broadcasting Server+Client
Nickolay Schwarz
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nodejs, game development, faye.js, impact.js
Basic Computed Properties in Backbone
Nickolay Schwarz
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frontend frameworks, coffeescript, backbone.js
Smooth Turns and Corners in Impact.js
Nickolay Schwarz
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game development, impact.js, coffeescript