Popular Bash Programming Tips
Linux and (Bash) Shell: Basics
3 responses
shell, linux, bash
alias "gti=git"
Tobias Otte
3 responses
shell, git, bash
Play YouTube video from terminal to Chromecast
Balazs Nadasdi
10 responses
zsh, youtube, bash, chromecast
use subl to call sublime text 2 from git bash on Windows
Jupiter St John
0 responses
sublime text 2, bash, windows, git bash
Get puma jungle scripts working with rvm
Johannes Opper
1 response
rails, nginx, puma, capistrano
Reading YAML files in bash with ruby
Tom, Bom
0 responses
ruby, bash
Keeping your github forks in sync
1 response
openstack, bash, github
Bash: regex greediness trick for complex enclosing patterns
Kiyoshi Murata
0 responses
regex, greediness, bash
Redirect bash script to syslog
0 responses
shell, bash, redirection, deep magic
Prevent poopin' on OSX
Lee Reilly
3 responses
alias, poopin, osx, bash
Bash/Sh as a template engine
Gregory Pakosz
1 response
shell, sh, bash
Bash/Shell script quick cheat sheet
0 responses
shell, script, tips, testing
Enabling Git shell completions in OSX
Janos Gyerik
13 responses
osx, git, bash
Multi-line Comments for Bash
James Barnett
0 responses
linux, scripting, bash
Auto-Completion Within Complex Git Alias
Jason Rogers
0 responses
git, bash
Show last command's status in bash prompt
Łukasz Korecki
1 response
shell, zsh, bash
Bash history completion
Joeri Timmermans
0 responses
shell, terminal, osx, macosx
shell function arguments in bash/os x
Blake Barrett
0 responses
shell, osx, backup, functions
A simple incremental backup on linux with dar
Mathieu Ruellan
0 responses
linux, backup, bash, dar
One command to rule them all
Dale Sande
1 response
alias, command line, bash
Shell based GeoIP log file analysis
Mickaël Rémond
0 responses
shell, geoip, bash
CDPATH - cd to your project directory from anywhere
Gregory Pakosz
2 responses
shell, zsh, sh, bash
Extracting archives from the terminal easily
Kristian Andersen
4 responses
shell, bash
Measure HTTP response times with cURL and store it on Cosm
Ilya Dmitrichenko
0 responses
http, curl, cosm, response
How to retrieve and store java version in a bash variable
0 responses
shell, version, java, bash