Popular Bash Programming Tips
Using colors in git terminal
Dan Jesus
2 responses
zsh, terminal, git, bash
Nyan Cat is a Valid Use of Our University Servers
Kraig Walker
0 responses
bash, terminal, osx, linux
Start/Stop/status cycle for vert.x program (or any other PID controlled one)
Octavio Luna
0 responses
shell, sh, vertx, java
Quick sql-dump with drush and bash aliases
Aaron Ott
0 responses
drush, drupal, bash
Makefile + value from variable based on string from cli.
Rafał Malinowski
0 responses
shell, makefile, bash
Add bash-like autocompletion to Drush5
Adam Dziendziel
2 responses
drush, drupal, bash
audible feedback for bash-scripts
Marco Tralles
1 response
console, script, mac, feedback
Running any command on a directory tree containing files with spaces
Robin Smidsrød
0 responses
shell, find, whitespace, loop
Delete all remote merged branches
Amos King
0 responses
git, bash
Get command path in POSIX shell
Adam Stankiewicz
0 responses
shell, zsh, sh, ksh
Enforcing branch state on a staging repo
Johannes Haseitl
0 responses
shell, git, bash
Fast multi-module maven builds
Carlo Sciolla
0 responses
shell, script, development, maven
rename multiple files given a pattern
2 responses
ruby, bash, rename multiple files
Convert HEX to DEC (and vice versa) Using Only Your Shell
Cengiz Can
0 responses
shell, sh, hex, bash
10 best bash command
Evgeny Korobkov
0 responses
shell, linux, bash, tip and tricks
generate md5 code
1 response
shell, bash
Level up your shell scripting skills
0 responses
shell scripting, unix, bash
Don't Copy-Paste from Website to Terminal
Ahmed Ezzeldin
4 responses
shell, bash, git, linux
C-style loops in bash
Roman Rader
0 responses
shell, linux, bash
Shorten the long linux terminal prompt
Hikmat Dhamee
0 responses
shell, linux, prompt, bash
Linux - Clearing the system cache
Nícolas Lazarte Kaqui
1 response
linux, bash
Linux, Mac - change the terminal title with a script
Markus Perl
0 responses
bash, terminal title, linux terminal, mac terminal
Brace Expansion in Bash
Tyler Hunt
1 response
shell, bash
Passm - password manager with sqlite in bash
0 responses
console, terminal, sh, linux
Ultra fast git commit
Marin Usalj
0 responses
shell, zsh, mneorr, git