Popular Bash Programming Tips
PHP hashbang
Sam-Mauris Yong
0 responses
php, shell, osx, linux
Download Chromium Nightly for Mac
Russell Smith
1 response
chrome, sh, mac, chromium
Iterm 2 - go back one word - minitip
Mark Tooth
6 responses
zsh, iterm2, bash, keyboard-shortcut
Git live log (without flickering)
0 responses
log, gist, git, linux
A function to find and kill processes running on a certain port
Kevin Suttle
2 responses
shell, zsh, unix, functions
Show git branch in bash promt
5 responses
shell, git, bash
Git Aliases
James Doyle
1 response
zsh, aliases, alias, git
Git status on bash prompt in technicolor
Lorenzo Novaro
0 responses
shell, fish, console, terminal
Automatically add ssh keys to agent on shell login
Jason Anderson
0 responses
ssh, unix, scripts, bash
Use color grep and ls
Marc Hibbins
0 responses
shell, grep, bash
Recursive PHP Linter
Thomas Hunter II
0 responses
php, bashrc, renownedmedia, bash
Script to install OpenVAS from source code on Ubuntu/Arch linux
Chris Fernandez CEHv7, IACRB, Linux Engineer
0 responses
linux, arch, ubuntu, bash
Simplify resolving Mercurial conflicts
Jude Robinson
0 responses
shell, cli, unix, mercurial
Safety tips for dangerous commands in bash
Rilke Petrosky (XenoMuta 2.0)
3 responses
bash, linux, unix, shellscript
Autojump function in the fish shell
0 responses
shell, bash, fish shell, auto jump
Live console charts with gnuplot and feedgnuplot
Matt Keranen
0 responses
bash, gnuplot
Only single instance
Danny Morabito
0 responses
linux, process, bash, only one instance
Forget the mouse when connecting to VPN
Andrew Thal
2 responses
shell, alias, vpn, applescript
use sed -i to replace in place on a string in a file
Jupiter St John
0 responses
perl, shell, terminal, sed
Check if your shell command was successfully executed
Mariz Melo
1 response
shell, terminal, unix, bash
Using zsh instead of bash
Marcus Puchalla
1 response
zsh, linux, bash
Useful Mercurial aliases
Ben Ripkens
0 responses
shell, mercurial, bash
Cleansing Jekyll YAML Front Matter Dates
James Martin
1 response
ruby, jekyll, bash