Popular Active Record Programming Tips
Prefetch associations for existing model instances
Michael Schaefermeyer
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rails, activerecord, performance, prefetching
Create a Rails app without ActiveRecord
Jason Humphries
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ruby, rails, activerecord, mongodb
Connect ActiveRecord via SSH Tunnel
Dave Baker
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ruby, activerecord, ssh, devops
Connect to a database using ActiveRecord outside of Rails
Steven Shingler
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ruby, rails, activerecord, database
Make ActiveRecord objects not readonly
Bartłomiej Danek
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ruby, rails, activerecord, readonly
How to check ActiveRecord Version?
Gourav Tiwari
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rails, activerecord
Assigning date attributes without ActiveRecord
Gus Bonfant
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activerecord, rails
Easily keep track of rails' relationship count with counter_cache
Dimitri Jorge
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ruby, rails, activerecord, counter_cache
Rails #rewhere ActiveRecord method
Rajeev N Bharshetty
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ruby, rails, activerecord
Search string_to_array in Rails and PostgreSQL
Yacobus Reinhart
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activerecord, array, hstore, rails
Multiple HABTM associations between 2 models in Rails
Ali Ismayilov
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rails, activerecord, models, multiple
ActiveRecord and Mongo associations
Elad Meidar
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mysql, rails, activerecord, mongoid
Rails .save failing silently? Ruby's implicit returns may be your problem.
Jonathan Cutrell
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ruby, rails, activerecord
Order of columns in table index matters (postgres)
Anton Katunin
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rails, activerecord, postgres, index
Mapping custom data to ActiveRecord objects
Tomasz Borowski
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ruby, activerecord, rails, gem
TIL: Postgres: Partial Index On Boolean Field Tp
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rails, activerecord, postgresql, boolean
Use schema_plus to improve your database design in Rails apps
Diogo Biazus
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rails, activerecord, database, postgresql
SQL92 LIKE expression escaping in Arel's matches(_all) method
Kazuya Numata
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rails, activerecord, sql, like
Query + Proxy Objects for Sweet Data Access
Ben Simpson
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ruby, activerecord, patterns, relational
Frozen time in rails scope
Alexander Tamoykin
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activerecord, rails, time, scope
Anton Kalyaev
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ruby, activerecord, validation, forms
Prevent abstract ActiveRecord instantiation
Trung Lê
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rails, activerecord, sti, abstract class
How to Find and Delete Orphaned Records with Ruby on Rails
Anton Zolotov
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ruby, rails, activerecord, sql
Trace SQL queries back to Rails code
Michael Kohl
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ruby, rails, activerecord, query
Avoid ActiveRecord "Unknown column 'table.column' in 'field list'" exception between dropping the column and application restart
Tomasz Werbicki
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rails, activerecord, migration, database