Popular .Net Programming Tips
Actions as parameters
0 responses
.net, functional programming, action
Escaping CDATA
Daniel Cadenas
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今天看到的實用 tips
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.net, c#
Visual Studio's vulnerability to Untrusted Projects
Jay Harris
0 responses
.net, security, visual studio, vs
.gitignore to .net applications
Diego Dias
0 responses
.net, git
helps you unleash your creativity
Michael Sogos
0 responses
asp, .net, web, visual studio
Preserving bindings and journaled values
Matthew Donoughe
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.net, wpf, data binding
Low impact logging
Chris Pebble
0 responses
.net, logging, parallel
Have tests for your public API
Kamran Ayub
0 responses
.net, api, testing
.NET Limited Http requests
Ezeki Zibzibadze
0 responses
.net, http, connections, concurrent
Capitalize String Extension
Terry Dellino
0 responses
.net, string, extensionmethod
Entity Framework on MySQL
Brice Lambson
0 responses
mysql, .net, entity-framework
What I Learned About Writing ReSharper Plug-ins
Aaron Dandy
0 responses
.net, visual studio, resharper, aaron_dandy
Why I stopped worrying about task runners/build tools
Rodrigo Dumont
0 responses
shell, .net, automation
Switching 'Startup Projects' in Visual Studio
Evin Grano
0 responses
.net, visual studio
Comparing Two Objects: How Hard Can It Be?
Rodrigo Dumont
0 responses
.net, csharp
Serenity Platform, minimum coding for data input screens
Victor Tomaili
0 responses
csharp, .net, c#, serenity
Icons on SyndicationItem
Luca Mauri
0 responses
vb.net, .net, icon, image
Partial Trust Testing with xUnit.net
Brice Lambson
0 responses
.net, xunit.net
Use Obsolete attribute when doing major re factor
Phil Wheldon
0 responses
refactoring, .net
Command-line options in .NET apps
Alec Lanter
0 responses
.net, command line
Automatic Update for CodePlex Projects
Brice Lambson
0 responses
.net, codeplex
Abdrashitov Vadim
0 responses
.net, cqrs, c#, aspnetmvc
AsyncSuffix ReSharper extension
Anton Sizikov
0 responses
.net, async, resharper, extension
Sharing ReSharper settings and Live Templates
Anton Sizikov
0 responses
.net, templates, resharper, nuget