Popular .Net Programming Tips
C# - Default value for a Property if Null
Jorge Medina
2 responses
.net, csharp
.net SecureString but what about other data types?
Mike Olsen
1 response
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Render Web Page in C# + ASP.NET MVC
Ion D. Filho
0 responses
mvc, .net, csharp, c#
Databinding Collections in WPF: IList required
Danny Thorpe
0 responses
.net, csharp, wpf, data binding
Launch the ASP.Net Website Configuration Page from VS 2012
Mike Kusold
0 responses
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Get the current row in DataTable
0 responses
.net, c#
Update -all- .NET code files to have CRLF end of file markers
Pure Krome
3 responses
powershell, .net, c#, crlf
How to fix NuGet package errors in Visual Studio when upgrading .NET Framework
Robert Greiner
0 responses
.net, visual studio, nuget, c#
Exporting/Importing a Document Collection from RavenDb
Pure Krome
0 responses
.net, ravendb, c#
ISROT Rule - Matrices Multiply
0 responses
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log4net logging in ArcMap
George Silva
0 responses
.net, arcobjects, c#, log4net
ASP.NET MVC 'No Parameterless Constructor' can be a misleading error
Pure Krome
0 responses
.net, ioc, asp.net-mvc, dependency-injection
Regex-less JSONP callback validation via LINQ magic
Mike Olsen
3 responses
api, json, linq, jsonp
Don't use static
Kasper B. Graversen
5 responses
scala, .net, csharp, programming
Using INPUT CHANGE event on IE
Ion D. Filho
0 responses
jquery, .net, ie, csharp
WPF control with fixed place buttons
David Corne
0 responses
.net, wpf, c#
Display custom dropdown label value with LINQ (Razor)
Ion D. Filho
0 responses
.net, csharp, dropdown, asp.net mvc
Windows Azure Caching Failure (ES0006)
Mike Olsen
1 response
.net, azure, caching, c#
Free CI hosting for .Net
Marcel Valdez
0 responses
.net, hosting, free ci hosting, free ci
Better tests in .NET through Fluent Assertions
Edmondo Porcu
1 response
.net, testing, assertions
AvalonEdit and SpellCheck
0 responses
.net, wpf, spell, check
Workaround for AppHarbor's 20 minute app pool recycling
Mike Reyes
0 responses
appharbor, site monitoring, .net
Improve your productivity with Code Generation and T4 Text Templates
Ion D. Filho
0 responses
.net, csharp, productivity, javascript
Visual Studio XML Comments
Peter Trobec
0 responses
vb.net, .net, csharp, visualstudio