Popular .Net Programming Tips
Nesting Razor Helper Methods
Mikael Brassman
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razor, .net, c#
NLog.config using NuGET
Sam-Mauris Yong
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.net, logging, dotnet, package
Render View as String ASP.NET MVC 3/4
Ion D. Filho
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.net, csharp, asp.net mvc4, asp.net mvc 3
Removing Custom Validation from Class in asp.net mvc 3/4
Ion D. Filho
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.net, csharp, c#, asp.net mvc4
How I organize my ASP.Net MVC3 applications.
Sergio Tapia Gutierrez
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.net, csharp, visual studio
Easy Autosaving with Knockout.js Dirty Flag
Rob Jones
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.net, knockoutjs
Use ILMerge /internalize to avoid version conflicts & simplify deployment
Marcos Meli
2 responses
.net, postbuild, ilmerge
Test IIS Express web applications on remote devices
Ionut-Cristian Florescu
1 response
nodejs, productivity, npm, workflow
Be careful about OnDisconnected when using SignalR
Ezeki Zibzibadze
0 responses
.net, signalr, disconnect
Generating Random Numbers and Strings in C#
Ion D. Filho
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csharp, .net, c#, random number
Scanning documents in WPF
John Polling
0 responses
.net, csharp, wpf, wia
Disable and Enable specific event on a Backbone View
Ion D. Filho
0 responses
.net, js, backbone, events
nInject: Bind all interfaces in Assembly
Parag Yerawar
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assembly, .net, interface, binding
How to move a form to center position
0 responses
.net, c#, windows.forms
Handmade long-polling in asp.net mvc
Vitaly Obukhov
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.net, asp.net mvc, comet, longpolling
Entity Framework in .net
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.net, framework
Microphone recording in WPF
John Polling
0 responses
csharp, wpf, audio, .net
Problems with posted filename on IE
Ion D. Filho
0 responses
.net, csharp, file upload, posted filename
Text Based Web Browser for Programmer’s Forum
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powershell, vs, .net
The name 'ProtectedData' does not exist in the current context
Mike Olsen
0 responses
.net, memory, secure, cryptography
NLog settings for LogEntries
Pure Krome
0 responses
logging, iis, .net, c#
Debugging in Visual Studio with LinqPad
0 responses
.net, debugging, linqpad, c#
Sort optionlist alphabetically $Plugin
Ion D. Filho
0 responses
.net, js, jquery, javascript
Add New Relic To Elastic Beanstalk for .NET
Travis Cannon
1 response
.net, ec2, aws, new relic