Joined January 2013

Sagi Isha

Web developer
Tel Aviv

Thanks for the post, it's a VERY important issue obviously. I'm missing however your comparison to Grunt tasks in this case, do you have some insights about that?

Thanks for spotting my typo :-) Indeed, it's very important mastering Javascript before turning to Coffeescript, especially of you want to make good use of scopes and callbacks and avoid CS' bad parts. As for syntax, I really enjoy it, it keeps my code tight and elegant, loops are better organized and I love logic indentation (although a lot of people might argue against it). All in all I hope it will stick around and will be kept maintained as it is now.

Thanks, we do seem to be in agreement :-) despite Node might not needing a silver bullet, I would like to see the community join efforts and scatter around less. It is nice to have the diversity on one hand, but on the other this scenario will lead to a lot unmaintained, out-dated and neglected packages in the near future

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