Joined April 2012

Denis Savitskiy

Ruby on Rails Developer at

I think, the problems with rmagick installation will last 4ever.. Every other release - new problems. Can anyone add links on brew update to the repo?

@gokuu thanks!

Posted to Occasionally removed all Brew links? over 1 year ago

@sheerun, my script is for those, who have nothing in /usr/local/bin at all

The formatting is awful. Not readable at all.

Posted to Better commit messages over 1 year ago

Kind of a good tip :) thx!

Posted to Get current time in Rails app over 1 year ago

Wow! :)


Hi! Can you make an example, to experiment with, please?

Posted to Ruby case ... when over 1 year ago

Interesting :) thanks!

Posted to Colorize git over 1 year ago

Quite common feature :)

What about rubber gem? It doesn't suit you well?

Thanks a lot! I was searching for it so long..

Posted to Time traveling in vim over 1 year ago

Great feature!

Any demo?

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