@dpsk you can get the same thing in rails 3 using postgres_ext
gem. The main point of this protip is how to make uuid column
- primary key
- autogenerated
@matthewwithanm you're absolutely right, in this particular example a much simple code like that could work:
success: function(a1, a2, a3){ return myObj.myMethod(a1, a2, a3); }
but I wanted to make an example with kinda more unified and general way of doing binding where you're not concerned by the number of arguments.
@koehr no, => preserve the current context, which is unimportant.
@matthewwithanm apply is the only was to pass all arguments directly to a function. If you know an easier way to do the same thing, please tell (there is none actually).
why not just
render partial: 'json_partial', formats: [:json], locals: { foo: @bar }
oh, i didn"t knew you could do that. i was doing the same thing in a slightly more verbose way:
git fetch
git rebase origin/my-branch
great advise, thanks
Macports in 2012? Really? And I thought everyone switched to homebrew back in 2011.
I wonder why they chose such complex way to do class attributes. I've always used instance variables for that:
class Base
class << self
attr_accessor :settings
class Subclass < Base
Subclass.settings # nil
Subclass.settings = 'bar'
Subclass.settings # 'bar'
Base.settings # nil
Base.settings = 'foo'
Base.settings # 'foo'
Subclass.settings # still 'bar'
UPDATE: Checked the docs and figured the difference. The class_attribute is inheritable, instance variable is not. Thanks for the protip, it made me investigate this stuff deeper. :)
@emadb, oh, so stupid of me to forget to include link. Fixed :)
Thanks for rbenv-rehash. Never knew there is such gem.
Nice catch.
Anyway, what's the point of using try
with dynamic method like this?
Could be shortened to:
request = (type) -> (url, data) -> $.ajax { type, url, data }
get = request 'GET'
response = get 'http://www.google.com', q: 'coffeescript'
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You can run the it directly with
$ rspec spec/any_spec.rb:10
where 10 is the line number of the spec you want to run.