Joined September 2013

Ruiwen Chua


Posted to A case against C-a in tmux over 1 year ago

So the trick to being able to use C-a as "home" while still having C-a as your tmux prefix is to hit the sequence "C-a, a" (that's, hold 'control', tap 'a', release both, then tap 'a' again).

It's an extra keystroke, and requires some coordination to avoid hitting the other tmux keybinding to switch to the next pane (C-a-a, "hold 'control' and tap 'a' twice, then release), but at least keeps most of the tmux operations to the left hand, eg. new pane (C-a, c), kill pane (C-a, x), switch pane (C-a, q, <pane number>)

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