Joined October 2012

Truong Hoang Dung


My suggestions should be:
- actsaslist: for order list of active record models
- pundit: a Cancan replacement for user authorization
- draper: for active record decorator
- activemodelserializer: for JSON API

What is the expression:

<a href="/book">@book</a> = Book.find(params[:id])
@series = <a href="/book">@book</a>.series

<a href="/book">,.... is nothing in Ruby.
Please correct for other to read and use.
Thank you, sir.

Posted to Eclipse Productivity Tips for Java over 1 year ago

Thank you very much. Useful tips.

Thank you for the tip. Is this the way framework like d3.js work ? The nodes are dynamically created (svg elements), and we have to bind those elements to evens later.

Posted to Mass rename file in Ubuntu over 1 year ago

Thank you for specializing the tool. The tool is built in already into Ubuntu 12.04, we just use it for that purpose only.

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