Joined May 2013

Raine Virta

Helsinki, Finland

Posted to Git autosquash goodies over 1 year ago

Why not just SHA=$(git rev-parse HEAD)?

Posted to Clean Heroku npm cache over 1 year ago

Helped a lot, thanks.

I couldn't understand why heroku wouldn't pick up the new version of a module in package.json, but it did after I followed this procedure.

A better workflow is git add -i for untracked files and git add -p for staging diffs. With the latter you're also reviewing the contents of your commit so you're not blindly committing possibly unrelated changes.

I have both of these commands aliased to gai and gap respectively.

Posted to Access the system clipboard from vim over 1 year ago

This solution has the side effect that vim will "pollute" your system clipboard. Whenever you yank or remove lines, those lines will replace the system clipboard or append to system clipboard history if you rely on that also.

My solution is easier access to system clipboard:

map <space>y "+y
map <space>p "+p
map <space>P "+P

I had to use:

url = https://<token>
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