Joined October 2012
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Juggling Cloud Data On and Offline
over 1 year
lets say i have 100 coins synced on the server and two pcs with status 'sent'. then i go offline on both pcs and buy items worth 100 coins on both. then i go online again. will i have 0 coins and items worth 200 coins?
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Beaver 3
Have at least three original repo where go is the dominant language
Have at least one original repo where go is the dominant language
Github Gameoff Participant
Participated in the Github Gameoff 2012 building a game based on git concepts of forking, branching, etc
The walrus is no stranger to variety. Use at least 4 different languages throughout all your repos
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Mongoose 3
Have at least three original repos where Ruby is the dominant language
Have at least one original repo where Ruby is the dominant language
Have at least one original repo where Objective-C is the dominant language
Have at least one original repo where some form of shell script is the dominant language
i guess that its either you have to be online to purchase an item, or maybe you could suggest to the player to connect to the server before trying to play the game on another computer. this way the player can play offline, progress on the game, make purchases etc, and when he comes back from the trip that he had no internet access, he can go online with that computer so that the data is uploaded, before he plays again on another computer. does this make sense?