Popular Programming Tips
WebView and Hardware acceleration
Florian Mierzejewski
1 response
android, webview
Quickly create, test and build Phonegap/Cordova projects
Martin Naumann
5 responses
mobile, cordova, phonegap, martin-n
jQuery Ajax Cross Domain
Ernesto Camacho
1 response
jquery, php, crossdomain, jsonp
UIRefreshControl in any UIScrollView
Andreas Grauel
2 responses
How to transfer data seamlessly between various Ruby on Rails environments and databases
Omar Kamali
2 responses
ruby, rails, heroku, database
Use before/after callbacks when touch-ing your Rails models
Michiel Sikkes
1 response
ruby, rails, cache
Sudoless, brewed rubygems on OS X
Zachary Waldowski
1 response
ruby, gem, mac, sudo
Personal wiki in your Mac
Carlos Rodríguez
3 responses
mac, mamp, wiki
Remove Empty Paragraph Tags in WordPress
3 responses
function, filter, empty p tags, paragraph tags
Sending iOS Push Notifications (APN) via Node.js
Jake Luer
1 response
ios, nodejs, apn
jQuery Datepicker with AngularJs
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datepicker, calendar, angualrjs
How to redo a Rails database migration
Matthew Lenton
0 responses
rails, migration, redo, force
Avoid robocopy infinite loop with /XJ
Nelson Antunes
1 response
shell, backup, robocopy, windows
Z Shell colors!
Bruno "Clef"
0 responses
zsh, colors, style, z shell
2 responses
seo, openid, meta tags, janabyrne
Android terms(dip/dp, px, dpi, display matrix)
eranga bandara
0 responses
android, android-display, dip, dpi
PIL/Pillow IOError: decoder jpeg not available
Thomas Schultz
2 responses
python, pil, pillow ioerror
Java Reflection - Get All Methods In Hierarchy
Raúl Raja
1 response
reflection, java
Media Queries Sass Mixin
Đặng Văn Thanh
2 responses
responsive, css3, scss, sass
Hello world in Clojure
Guilio Karadanais - sativaware.co.za
0 responses
clojure, leiningen, functional-programming
Create new Mime type and assign an icon to it in Ubuntu
Mohammed Aljuboori
0 responses
extensions, ubuntu, mime type