Popular Programming Tips
Easy double buffering on HTML5 canvas
Martin Naumann
2 responses
canvas, html5, martin-n, double buffering
Dry run in Git
Erik van Nieuwburg
0 responses
command, vcs, git
LaTex with Vim
eranga bandara
2 responses
osx, vim, latex, unix
Writing Custom Tasks for Capistrano 3
Tácio Nery
1 response
ruby, rails, capistrano, rake
Vim "swap", "backup" and "undo" files.
Rafael Bika
3 responses
vim, backup, undo, swap
Android Async Task with Dialog
0 responses
java, android, async task
Coderwall - Markdown Cheat Sheet
Wahyu Kristianto
40 responses
coderwall, markdown, cheat sheet
A Better way of extending Backbone Models and Views
Serkan Yerşen
8 responses
backbone, oo, javascript, extend
Make bundler crazy fast
8 responses
ruby, bundler
Fast snapshot any views on iOS 7
James Tang
3 responses
ios, objective-c
Using a custom grunt task to start a node server, and watch
Uri Sharf
2 responses
backbonejs, webdev, gruntjs, nodejs
Wrapping a PHP class for easy method chaining
Stefano Azzolini
12 responses
php, proxy, chain
Transfer WiFi passwords to your new iPhone with iTunes backup
Michiel Prins
1 response
security, itunes, ios, keychain passwords
Parse JSON into ordered data-structure (in python)
Hatem Nassrat
0 responses
python, json, preserve order
How to put focus at the end of an input with React.js
0 responses
react.js, focus
How to connect to remote mongo database with the mongo cli
Nicola Pietroluongo
0 responses
shell, terminal, cli, mongodb
Sliding window in Python
Fritz Grimpen
1 response
python, fast, window, sliding
Laravel parent/child relationship
Dave Townsend
2 responses
laravel, parent, child, relationship
Practical lldb with core dump
Michael Bacci
0 responses
lldb, c, c++, debug
Python's imaplib
Julien Dubeau
1 response
python, imap, imaplib
Extract your external IP using command line tools
Janos Gyerik
13 responses
perl, sed, curl, bash
Dynamic, Responsive font-sizes and spacing using em units and JavaScript
Larry Williamson
0 responses
css, responsive, dynamic, font-size