Popular Programming Tips
Git and Laravel 4 practical use
4 responses
php, mysql, laravel, git
Checkout a single folder from a GitHub repository
Barnaby Alter
2 responses
git, github, bash, sparse-checkout
Validate URLs in Rails
Lee Machin
6 responses
ruby, rails, url validation
How to re-sign iOS builds
Toby Cox
0 responses
provisioning, ios, codesign, entitlements
Connect to SMB or FTP on macOS
Lex S
0 responses
mac, macosx, os x, browser
Pretty Print JSON in Command Line with Homebrew
Jonathan Nelson
0 responses
command line, json, homebrew, pretty print
Wait for ajax with capybara 2.0
Jorge Dias
10 responses
capybara, wait_until, wait_for_ajax
ng-repeat without parent element
Alexandr Subbotin
0 responses
javascript, angular
Git status on all repos in folder
Willem van der Jagt
6 responses
shell, .bashrc, bashrc, git
Use Markdown README's in Python modules
Will McKenzie
12 responses
python, markdown, restructuredtext
Vim auto-indent (4 spaces)
Ryan Yonzon
1 response
vim, auto-indent
Use Hibernate 4.3.x with JTA on Glassfish 4
Brian Jesse
4 responses
hibernate, glassfish, jpa, java
Launch Sublime Text From the Command Line in Windows
Mitch Pronschinske
10 responses
command line, cli, sublime text 2, bash
Getting started with JavaFX in Clojure
Daniel Ziltener
9 responses
clojure, javafx
Faster Ajax For WordPress
raz ohad
12 responses
php, ajax, wordpress
Set/get OSX volume/mute from the command line
Nicholas Robinson-Wall
0 responses
shell, osx, command line, scripting
Preloading UIWebView or WKWebView in Swift
Arthur Chang
2 responses
ios, xcode, swift, webview
Styling your HR tag using just HTML
Mike Ballan
3 responses
css, html
JavaScript function overloading
Steven Iseki
1 response
functions, javascript
zsh: Better history searching with arrow keys
Andrew Wong
2 responses
shell, zsh, linux
Clear pane in Tmux
Claudio Ortolina
1 response
Vim exit from insert mode
Djordje Mijatovic
2 responses
vim, vi