Popular Programming Tips
Programming stickers for your laptop...
Dominic Barker
1 response
laptop, stickers
AngularJS table with paging, filter and sorting backed by Rails
Benny Ng
0 responses
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Keyboard shortcuts I use every day in tmux
Kerrick Long
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tmux, keyboard shortcuts
JavaScript Try Parse int
Teddy Garland
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javascript, number, tryparse
Editing Google Docs with vim
Aaron Karper
5 responses
vim, markdown, gdocs
How to create a LAMP stack with Ansible
Joeri Timmermans
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ansible, lamp, playbook
Solving "Class not found" errors in Laravel 4
Benjamin Harris
7 responses
php, shell, laravel, composer
Http request-response with compressed body in Python
Michele Capra
1 response
python, http, rest, gzip
1600% faster app requests with Rails on Heroku
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rails, heroku, unicorn, eventmachine
Enable/Disable Scrolling in iPhone/iPad’s Safari
Andrey Krivko
4 responses
javascript, prevent scrolling
Crear archivos JSON desde PHP y MySQL
Jorge Andrade
5 responses
php, mysql, json
Change the background image with animate
Luís Ferreira
3 responses
jquery, css
Secure mysql with ansible
Lorin Hochstein
8 responses
mysql, ansible
FULL guide for integrating facebook with fos userbundle in symfony 2.1
Vince Verberckt
21 responses
php, symfony 2.1, fos user bundle, fos facebook bundle
Saving images with (just) Requests:HTTP for Humans
Peter Hanley
0 responses
python, requests, web-scraping
Use momentjs to parse unix timestamps
Ezekiel Kigbo
0 responses
datetime, javascript, momentjs
Disable Mac OSX Firewall from Command Line
Gavin Bunney
2 responses
mac osx, firewall
Redis & Go: Building a simple swear word filter
Ralph Caraveo
5 responses
redis, golang, go
copy files to clipboard in windows git bash
Jupiter St John
3 responses
shell, clipboard, copy, bash