Popular Programming Tips
End to End Testing with CasperJS
9 responses
testing, backbone, javascript, casperjs
Google Maps iframe in Black and White
João Bernardo
0 responses
css, google, html, iframe
Manipulating PATH variable in fish-shell
2 responses
shell, linux, fish-shell
Use .gitattributes to normalize line-endings
Scott Grogan
4 responses
git, teamwork
Remapping Caps Lock key to something more natural on Mac OS X
Chip Castle
5 responses
osx, keyboard, mac, control
Eclipse/JUnit CreateProcess error=206. Filename or extension is too long.
Ivan Sim
28 responses
junit, eclipse, ivanhcsim, java
Confirmation on Leaving the Current Page in an Angular.js App
Luis Tellez
4 responses
javascript, angular.js, angular, onbeforeunload
Bash startup scripts on Linux and Mac OS X
Alexander Breen
1 response
shell, linux, mac os x, .bash_profile
An introduction to ranking algorithms seen on social news aggregators
Michel Billard
2 responses
reddit, algorithm, ranking, ordering
How to convert a UNIX Timestamp to a .NET System.DateTime object
Tyler Fowler
1 response
.net, c#, unix timestamp, system.datetime
How To Make Your Rails app start talking to a Postgres database?
1 response
ruby, rails, app, postgres
List all databases in a Redis instance
Raphael Stolt
0 responses
redis, cli
Securely use basic auth with curl
Tom, Bom
9 responses
secrets, bash
Check Jenkins for build status via a shell script
Julian Churchill
2 responses
shell, ci, jenkins, bash
Set phantomjs user-agent string
Hatem Nassrat
4 responses
python, selenium, phantomjs, useragent
Using Backbone's new `listenTo`
Adam Thurlow
5 responses
backbone.js, javascript
Swap two elements of an array in Ruby
Fab Mackojc
2 responses
ruby, arrays
Prevent "An invalid form control with name=" errors
José Agripino Duarte
3 responses
forms, cakephp, html, required
Enter multiple lines in Chrome JS console.
2 responses
chrome, javascript, developer tool
Use ImageMagick to create optimised and progressive JPGs
Andrew Walker
4 responses
rails, imagemagick, minimagick, carrrierwave
Launch Android app with adb
Kerem Bozdas
2 responses
hack, root, adb, android
Using Sublime Text 2 and SFTP to work on remote files.
Sergio Tapia Gutierrez
12 responses
sublime text 2, ftp