Popular Programming Tips
pbcopy on Ubuntu/Linux
Jason Yost
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zsh, bash
Speeding up AngularJS's $digest loop
Laurent Perrin
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angularjs, performance, digest, dirty-checking
Announcing Pro Tips & Hacker Desks
Matthew Deiters
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meta, protip
Mounting EXFAT formatted pendrives in fedora linux
Jose Miguel
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linux, fedora, flash, mount
Stash only certain files
François Benaiteau
1 response
stash, git
Fix "Can't open file for writing" in Vim
Dan Croak
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rails, vim, unix, backbone.js
Documenting Rails-based REST API using Swagger UI
Samuel Chow
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ruby, rails, rest, swaggerui
Reduce Android Jelly Bean battery drain
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google, android, nexus, battery
Handle multiple click listeners in a listView
Gautam Basubramanian
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android, programming, protip, listview
How to create branch from tag- Git
Abhijeet Sutar
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tagging, branching, git
use ng-repeat on tbody to create summary rows for nested data
Jonathan Bowers
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html, javascript, angular
Use ng-value for ng-model with boolean values
Blaise Liu
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javascript, angularjs
Run a script on startup in a detached screen on a Raspberry Pi
Jesse the Game
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shell, screen, raspberry pi
Generate UUID at shell prompt
Lorin Hochstein
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python, osx, bash
Check all the checkboxes by clicking one button
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checkbox, jquery, javascript
Run ansible on a single host
Kevin Simper
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hosts, ansible, playbook
Upload files and data to server from android app
0 responses
android, http, file, server
Avoiding memory leaks in Symfony2 Doctrine EntityManager
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memory, optimization, doctrine, entity manager
Easy star-ratings in jQuery and Bootstrap
Javier Toledo
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bootstrap, javascript, jquery
How to use jslint in node.js projects properly
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nodejs, javascript, jslint
WTF, Is the server running locally and accepting connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
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postgres, server, socket
Escape HTML with Javascript
2 responses
escape, html, javascript
The best todo list app for any developer
John Amicangelo
25 responses
tip, todo, bash