Popular Programming Tips
How to disable the right click on Gnome Desktop
Patricio Bruna
0 responses
gnome, linux, desktop, pos
Convert dates in perl ( str2time )
0 responses
perl, datetime, str2time
Use pry with Bundler without having it on your Gemfile
Adan Alvarado
3 responses
bundler, irb, sinatra, pry
How to fix jshint alert "mixed spaces and tabs" in SublimeText2
Sergi Meseguer
1 response
sublime, sublimetext2, jshint, javascript
Use Markdown inside HTML blocks in Jekyll
Chris Albrecht
0 responses
ruby, html, markdown, jekyll
Async processing or multitasking in PHP
Matthias Mullie
0 responses
php, multi-threading, parallel processing
Set-up Qt for Android dev on Ubuntu
Mariano Finochietto
0 responses
android, qt, ubuntu
Increase font size in Firefox developer tools
Vimalkumar Velayudhan
0 responses
firefox, vkvn, devtools
Setting npm proxy settings
Ezekiel Kigbo
0 responses
config, npm, wil boayue, proxy settings
Customize Gitlab
Lorenzo Novaro
0 responses
ruby, yaml, git, gitlab
Twitter Bootstrap & Font-Awesome CodeKit framework
Marty Thierry
0 responses
css, iconic font, less
ElasticSearch field queries containing slashes
Craig Marvelley
1 response
php, elasticsearch
Proper MySQL character set and collation setup
George Zelensky
2 responses
dbms, character set, encoding, collation
Cleanup outdated gems from all your rvm gemsets
Nick Kugaevsky
1 response
ruby, gem, rvm, productivity
Using Models in Rails Migrations
Yan Foto
0 responses
rails, models, migrations
Use YouCompleteMe for code completion in Vim
Chris McKinnel
0 responses
python, vim, productivity
Use EC2 instance tags as custom facts on puppet
Rafael Felix Correa
0 responses
puppet, tags, ec2, aws
T-SQL random alpha-numeric strings using crypt_gen_random
1 response
random, tsql, sql server
How to add full text search in Django?
Nikhil Navadiya
0 responses
python, django, search, django-haystack
Skip over auto-completed parenthesis in Sublime Text 2
Murphy Randle
0 responses
sublime text 2, parenthesis, automatch
Install Drush via Composer
Pierre Buyle
1 response
drush, drupal, composer
Kill all Tomcat processes
Shrivatsan Rajagopalan
0 responses
tomcat, kill, kill-9
Make Backbone.js use PUT for PATCH requests
Phil Freo
1 response
patch, http, javascript, backbone.js
Fix: git recognized Xcode localization file as binaries
Francis Chong
0 responses
xcode, localization, git