Popular Programming Tips
Universal keyboard shortcut to open System Preferences
Derryl Carter
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os x, keyboard shortcuts, system prefs
Creating custom git commands + autocompletion
Jorge Dias
1 response
git, bash, autocompletion
Using IcedCoffeescript to mitigate callback headaches
Sam Hunter
1 response
workflow, icedcoffeescript, coffeescript, javascript
PHP continuous testing with GruntJS and PHPUnit
1 response
php, grunt, javascript, phpunit
Chris Eppstein
4 responses
Rails ActionMailer SMTP Settings with Environment Variables
Kyle Welsby
1 response
rails, smtp, mandrill, action mailer
Installing Hamachi LogMeIn in Fedora 20
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vpn, hamachi
Index for uuid[] Array Data Type
Anders Brownworth
4 responses
index, array, uuid, postgresql
Fast and working Levenshtein algorithm in JavaScript
0 responses
algorithm, javascript, levenshtein
Squash your git commits for a clean history
Einar Jonsson
0 responses
history, rebase, git
Serving pre-compressed assets through Apache
Robson Mendonça
0 responses
assets, apache, gzip, rails
Clear specific views using clearCache(); in CakePHP 2.0
Matt Stephens
1 response
mvc, cakephp, view caching
Avoiding StaleElementException in WebDriver
Darrell Grainger
0 responses
selenium, webdriver
Ruby random boolean
1 response
0.1 + 0.2 !== 0.3 WTF?
Peter Peterson
2 responses
Fixing HOME and END keys, and more, on macOS
Colin Dean
0 responses
home, end, macos, osx
angularjs html5Mode on github pages
Chia-liang Kao
2 responses
html5, pushstate, angularjs, github
Rails routing and namespaced models
Miha Rekar
1 response
routing, rails, model, namespace
Going further with Angular E2E tests: extending the Scenario DSL
Oliver Tupman
1 response
angularjs, testing, javascript, lungojs
Beginners' Guide to Writing Jasmine Tests in CoffeeScript
Levent Gurses
1 response
coffeescript, testing, tdd, javascript
Angular Js and Bootstrap 3 without Angular UI
Maurizio Casimirri
0 responses
mobile, bootstrap, ui, angular js
Disable warnings when running django's manage.py
Lemuel Formacil
0 responses
python, django