Popular Programming Tips
Git difftool'in like a boss
Peter Mescalchin
0 responses
shell, git, ubuntu
MySQL 5.6 doesn't accept empty strings on numerical fields
Nuno Costa
3 responses
ruby, mysql, rails
Delete all Redis keys with Redis-rb
0 responses
ruby, redis
Keep your Python app running
Ken Moini
1 response
cron, python, bash
MongoDB: determine total size of indexes in a database.
Franklin Dattein
0 responses
mongodb, indexes
Remove non printable characters in a ruby string
Hélder Vasconcelos
0 responses
ruby, string, regexp
Change the breakpoint of Bootstrap navbar (to 900px)
Andrej f.
0 responses
css, bootstrap, breakpoint, nav
C# ArrayTypeMismatchException
Teddy Garland
1 response
arrays, c#, data types
Learn about AlwaysAppendSearchDomains in OSX (Mountain) Lion
Frank Louwers
4 responses
osx, lion, mountain lion, dns
Power Off Digital Ocean Droplet from Command Line
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ceane, digital ocean, digital ocean droplet, shutdown digital ocean droplet
Asset Post Processor in Unity
Panagiotis Peikidis
0 responses
assets, workflow, unity, game development
Using a Database through an SSH Tunnel in a Rails Environment
Nick Jacob
3 responses
rails, development, ssh, database
Decrypt Stored Procedure in SQL Server to Regain the Accessibility
SQL Decryptor
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functions, decrypt sql stored procedure, decrypt encrypted sql database, decrypt sql script
PHP Private Class Member Visibility
Trevor N. Suarez
3 responses
php, oop, wat, strange behavior
Get Android launcher and settings in Google Glass
Fernando F. Gallego
2 responses
settings, android, launcher, glass
Getting File Size without Reading Entire File
Charlie Key
0 responses
files, nodejs
Easy, Simple Java Classes ( like Scala case classes, sort of)
Jose Llarena
4 responses
simplicity, java, terseness
(R)evolution of the 'em' unit: rem
Maxi Ferreira
4 responses
typography, css3, rem, css
Bootstrap login modal with shake animation
Creative Tim
1 response
bootstrap, web design, register form, login form
Practical Guide to Linux's CUT Command
0 responses
terminal, linux, cut
Python's getdefault
Stefan Arentz
0 responses
Fixing bundler issues like "git@github.com:... is not checked out. Please run `bundle install`"
Martin Naumann
0 responses
ruby, bundler, gem, rvm
Open source + API + trained models for speech recognition
0 responses
python, speech recognition, asr, speech to text
Make Font Awesome from twitter-bootstrap-rails work with Rails 4
Michel Billard
2 responses
fontawesome, rails 4, twitter-bootstrap-rails