Popular Programming Tips
CALayer (Xcode): hitTest, sublayers, CABasicAnimation, shadows, borders and corners
Anthony Levings
0 responses
xcode, borders, hittest, calayer
Functional Programming in Java from a Scala Addict
Ben Burton
4 responses
scala, guava, java
SoundCloud logo made with CSS
Tim Pietrusky
0 responses
css, html, soundcloud
Audio streaming//record your mic (command line Linux)
0 responses
linux, audio, ffmpeg, cvlc
Better Rails Logging (user_id, remote_ip) with Lograge on Heroku
Rafael Oliveira
0 responses
rails, heroku, logging
Audio mix and recording on Android
0 responses
android, java
SASS selector - select only child from parent
Fendy Kusuma Wardhana
0 responses
css, selector, sass
Git stash
Tom Kruijsen
2 responses
stash, git
Adding placeholder for chosen multi-select using Ruby on Rails
Allen Chun
0 responses
rails, javascript, chosen
Tabletop.js : A Google Spreadsheets data source for your app
Damon Davison
0 responses
spreadsheet, scalability, google apps, javascript
Symfony2 catch FOSUser onLogin event
0 responses
php, configuration, users, symfony
Allow .htaccess in MAMP
0 responses
Running Rails 3.2.x under IIS 7.5, using SQL Server, and keeping the Asset Pipeline.
Andrew McElroy
1 response
rails, windows, ruby 1.9.4, iis 7.5
Rails - Internal Requests
James Brooks
5 responses
ruby, rails, rack, request
Check if number power of 2
Sanket Sudake
3 responses
python, tip, trick, algorithm
Device and Interface Orientation with iOS
Dylan Marriott
1 response
orientation, ios
Play Framework 2 with Zurb Foundation and Compass/Sass
4 responses
sass, compass, zurb foundation, play 2
executable playbooks
Brian Coca
3 responses
shell, ansible
Node-GaragePi, the garage door opener using Node.js
Chase Chou
5 responses
nodejs, pi, raspberry, garage
Rails Rspec APIs Testing Notes
Alex Z. Li
0 responses
rails, rspec
Dependency injection container (DiC) vs. service locator (SL)
Adrian Imfeld
2 responses
php, zend framework, dependency injection, service locator
hubot http listener
Jason Solis
1 response
script, http, coffee, irc
Getting stuck in with XHP
Nathan Malcolm
0 responses
php, security, open source, xhp