Last Updated: July 07, 2020
· tripples

Check if number power of 2

Recently I found this simple one liner which can save your time & can be efficient
to check if number is power of 2.

a = some int
if ( a & (a - 1)):
    print "Num not power of 2"
    print "Number power of 2"

3 Responses
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I'm sorry, I may be mistaken but isn't it the opposite?
E.g :

8 -> 1000
7 -> 0111
& -> 0000

But 8 do is a power of 2 and a & (a - 1) == false in this very case.

over 1 year ago ·

Thankx for pointing it out. I written that in hurry, so made a mistake. I have updated tip.
In case of 8 ,
a & (a - 1) == false
So number is power of 2.

1 )For false == number is power of 2
2) For true == number is not power of 2

over 1 year ago ·

!(a&1) will tell wheather the number is even or not..But we need if it is power of 2.

over 1 year ago ·