Joined May 2011

Luke van der Hoeven

Software Engineer at Articulate
Bluffton, SC

Posted to Wisely pick your dates for specs over 1 year ago

Why are you testing assignment at all? I assume that set_start_date = '01/02/2012' is actually supposed to be set_start_date('01/02/2012')? Or maybe start_date = '01/02/2012'

Assignment is a language construct and so I would assume it to be correct and thus not worth testing. If you're overriding the assignment operator, I think that's sort of a bad idea because of this problem. I would assume from the code that:

profile.set_start_date = '01/02/2012'
expect(profile.start_date).to eq('01/02/2012')

Would be true... I realize Rails does this all the time, but I think it's bad practice and should be avoided for clarity. Otherwise I agree with the point: "us[ing] that method in both the test and the spec, you're certain it is getting set, but it might be getting set one month off without you realizing it."


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