Joined May 2011

Peter Vandenabeele

self employed

Posted to A better way to tail logs over 1 year ago

Other way is to start less -R (the -R solves problems with colors) and then press F for the "tail" behavior inside less (and control-C to get out of the tail, gg to go to start, and G to go to complete EOF).

I have no real opinion on [0] ... (I presume it first reifies the relationship (without the order by id) and then applies the [0] to the first and single one of that reified list; that amounts to pick_a_random_one).

So, all these amounts to the fast pick_a_random_one

  • Foobar.where(x: 'y').limit(1).to_a[0]
  • Foobar.where(x: 'y').limit(1).to_set[0]
  • Foobar.where(x: 'y').limit(1).to_a.first

What matters is if the .first operates on the
ActiveRecord_Relation before the reification
(the introduces the default order by :id), or if
the first (or [0]) operate after the reification,
on an Array of Set then.

I prefer the current behavior where .first is not longer the same as .randompickone (strangely enough, .last always had the order by id built in, .first only since Rails 4,

For the "give me one, I don't care which one", that would be .take or .take(1)

Yes, this works. Thanks !

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