Joined October 2012

Peter Flynn

San Francisco

@meellly It still works fine for me. Can you give an example pull request URL on GitHub where it doesn't work?

Another useful one... to expand all "outdated" comment threads that actually have a recent comment in them:

javascript:(function(){var start=new Date("19 Oct 2013"); $(".comment-header-date").filter(function () { return new Date(this.firstElementChild.getAttribute("datetime")) >= start; }).closest(".outdated-diff-comment-container").addClass("open");}());

(Replacing the start date as appropriate)

Note: do not use ISO-style dates ("2013-10-19") unless you also specify a time zone -- unlike other date formats that assume your local timezone unless otherwise specified, ISO is apparently assumed to be UTC time by default.

Follow-on: if you want to expand just your own comments, use this:

javascript:(function(){$(".outdated-diff-comment-container").filter(function () { return this.firstElementChild.textContent.indexOf("peterflynn") !== -1; }).addClass("open");}());

(Replacing "peterflynn" with your GitHub user id)

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