Joined January 2013

Pedro Duarte


Posted to Generate Icon Fonts over 1 year ago

Been using this and it's frigging awesome

Thanks for sharing this dude

Posted to The Bestest Git Setup over 1 year ago

Good tip, I just installed this:

It does a bunch of other cool things as well as a better git setup in terminal.

Posted to Sexy comments for PHP and JS over 1 year ago

haha well at least you shared it, so thanks for that

Posted to Uppercase or Lowercase Letters over 1 year ago

Yeah, always good to do things like this with CSS.
Seen so many people doing it with Javascript in the past!

Also good to mention about text-transform: capitalize;

That's cool. Used the exact same trick last week with drag & drop.
Cheers for sharing!

Thanks for sharing man!

Is the markdown formatting correct?
It looks weird to me,

I see this:
.my-awesome-element { color: red; } //Change text color at 648px <a href="/include">@include</a> respond-to(648) { .my-awesome-element { color: green; } } </code></pre>

Should it not be:
.my-awesome-element { color: red; } //Change text color at 648px @include respond-to(648) { .my-awesome-element { color: green; } } </code></pre>

Ps: no idea why the font is so big

Thanks for sharing!

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