Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· serdarb

My Workspace


My PC configuration has Asus P8Z68-V-LE mainboard, 16 GB RAM, i7 2600K 3.4 GHz CPU and 120 GB SSD and a 500 GB sata disk.

I install all the programs to SSD and keep my big files in sata disk.

To set 3 monitors I use 2 graphic cards. (2 cheap graphic card which has no fan.)

I like to use my PC with 3 monitors. Some people find it distracting. If you set it in the correct angle for you it is obviously more productive than 2 monitor setups. Best time you feel it is when DB Explorer, IDE and web browser needed at the same time...

I set bias lighting to my monitors. My preferred brightness is 0/100 for my screens at nights. I switch to 50/100 in day light.

I bought my chair from IKEA. Its name is MARKUS. I can sit more then 10 hours some days. It is very comfortable. No ass or back pain :)
