Last Updated: September 27, 2021
· lucidanonymity

Have A Plan

Standard disclaimer,

I am not a blogger in fact this will be the first time i have published anything other then code for others to devour. This being said allow me to apologize in advance :)

The title says it all, Have A Plan. This is something we all know we've been taught it over and over again, by instructors, and by experience. Now maybe its just me but when i get into starting a new project where I am going to be trying out new features or coding standards I have a bad tendency of skipping over this little tidbit of helpful information and going straight for the gusto.
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Oh everything starts out great in fact i can sally forth and churn through the first hundred lines of code at breakneck speed with little complications, and very few bugs. It never fails that Ill get distracted by other projects, step away from my code for a few days only to come back and have to play catch-up.
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I often find myself asking questions like Why did i put that declaration there? or @ what key in pageArray did i store pageId? (This ties into another coding practice i often fail to adhere to... Documentation, but thats best left for another talk).
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The valuable hours spent relearning your own code, or rewriting functions can best be avoided by having a clear plan at project start, and descriptive documentation As You Code. Well back to toiling through my latest lack of documentation, thanks for reading.

1 Response
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Thanks for the link its a good resource :+1:

over 1 year ago ·