Karo - A command line companion for a Rails application
Karo is a command line companion for a rails application which makes performing routine commands locally or on the server easier.
Github - https://github.com/rahult/karo
Website - http://rahult.github.io/karo/
Example of things it can do, for rest please refer to karo help
karo db pull # Will sync the production MySQL database on to local machine
karo db console # Will open MySQL console on the server
karo console # Will open Rails console on the server
karo assets pull -e staging # Will sync the dragonfly assets from staging on to the local machine
karo log -f # Will tail the production log with -f argument
You can also write your custom commands
karo server {command} # Will try to find a command from .karo.yml or execute the one provided on the server
karo client {command} # Will try to find a command from .karo.yml or execute the one provided on the client
Few Assumptions
- You have SSH access to your servers
- You have the Capistrano deploy directory structure on your server
[deployto]/current -> [deploy_to]/releases/20100819001122
- You are using MySQL as your database server
- You are using Dragonfly to store your assets
I am working on supporting other databases and assets managers for future releases
Karo is released as a Ruby Gem. The gem is to be installed within a Ruby
on Rails application. To install, simply add the following to your Gemfile:
# Gemfile
gem 'karo'
After updating your bundle, you can use Karo function from the command line
Usage (command line)
karo help
Default configuration file (.karo.yml)
host: example.com
user: deploy
path: /data/app_name
memory: watch vmstat -sSM
top_5_memory: ps aux | sort -nk +4 | tail
deploy: cap production deploy
host: example.com
user: deploy
path: /data/app_name
memory: vmstat -sSM
deploy: ey deploy -e staging -r staging
Written by Rahul Trikha
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