Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· navarro

Build app in turbulenz

To compile an app on Turbulenz game engine do the following

open your environment executing 'source bin/activate' on terminal at /Turbulenz/SDK/version/env

Now go to your app folder and try

  • makehtml --mode plugin-debug -t . main.js -o output.debug.html

If you want to use it for deploy do

  • maketzjs --mode plugin -t . -o app.tzjs main.js
  • makehtml --mode plugin -t . -o app.release.html --code app.tzjs main.js

Plugin is one of the modes, you can use Canvas also.

To test it localy after you built it run ./ on terminal from Turbulenz/SDK/version folder

This is just a summary from what their documentation exposes, it is also a way of remembering myself and others how to do it.