MapReduce Example from Coursera Scala translated to JS
/* This function returns a function that has
* two parameters. Called, it will call map(x)
* for each x smaller y and reduce these by the
* reduce function.
* The unit enables you to provide neutral opertaion
* elements to the function.
function mapReduce(x, y, reduce, map, unit) {
return function result(x, y) {
if (x > y)
return unit;
return reduce( map(x), result((x + 1), y) );
function sum(x, y) {
return mapReduce(x, y,
// javascript has no way to access
// the '+' as a function
function plus(x, y) { return x + y; },
function identity(e) { return e; },
0)(x, y);
function sumCubes(x, y) {
return mapReduce(x, y,
function plus(x, y) { return x + y; },
function cube(x) { return x * x * x; },
0)(x, y);
function product(x, y) {
return mapReduce(x, y,
// same here, no way to access '*' directly
function plusCubes(x, y) { return x * y; },
function identity(e) { return e; },
1)(x, y);
function faculty(n){
return product(1, n);
console.log(sum(0, 2));
console.log(sumCubes(0, 5));
console.log(product(1, 5));
Written by @kjellski
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