Last Updated: April 26, 2019
· msalimbupatirembang

Why does voice assistant often use women's voices? By M Salim Bupati Rembang

Smartphones, computers or ATM machines often use female voices in the voice assistant feature or voice assistant. You can also find this woman's voice on Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant, or Cortana. What is the reason behind it?

Generally, every consumer expects friendly service from a service. Amazon spokesman stated, the company had tried many voices in the beta program for customers, before releasing the voice assistant feature.


Women's voice is superior
A Microsoft spokesman explained, Cortana's voice assistant they had developed technically could be said to have no gender. However, the company conducts gender research when choosing voices and looking for better ones. Microsoft wants to present an assistant who can help, support, and be trusted. Furthermore, women's voices were chosen because they were believed to be superior to these three factors.


Alexa and Cortana choose the female voice
In addition, there are also voice assistants who offer choices for male voices. Among them, Siri and Google Assistant. However, this choice is not shared by Alexa and Cortana who are firm in the voice of women. It's different from Watson's voice assistant from IBM. Because it was considered masculine and had the impression of a leader, Watson also used a male voice.


Word selection trends
In this case, psychologist James W. Pennebaker explained, women usually use more pronouns and tentative words than men. Pronounce pronunciation, especially me, is mostly done by women. Current voice assistants tend to use the word I or I more often, especially when declaring responsibility for mistakes. For example, in the phrase "I don't seem to understand," (I'm not sure I understand).

How about you? Which do you choose for the voice assistant, female or male voice?