Quickly lookup potential domains/startup ideas with google spreadsheets and domainr
Create a Google spreadsheet and create a new custom script that includes the following:
function domainLookup(domain) {
var result = "";
if (domain == "") {
// Function to lookup available domains on domainr
httpResult = UrlFetchApp.fetch("https://domai.nr/api/json/search?q="+domain);
res = Utilities.jsonParse(httpResult);
for (i in res.results) {
var domain = res.results[i];
if (domain.availability == 'available' || domain.availability == 'maybe') {
result = result + "\n" + domain.domain + ": " + domain.availability;
return result;
In your spreadsheet create two columns, one with your name ideas, and one with:
where A1 is the cell that contains your domain name.
Copy this formula down whatever number of cells you need to.
Written by Chris
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1 Response

This is giving me an error in my cell:
Request failed for https://domai.nr/api/json/search?q=test.com returned code 401. Truncated server response: {"message":"unauthorized: invalid API client ID"} (use muteHttpExceptions option to examine full response) (line 11).
Any ideas for a fix?
over 1 year ago
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