Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· katylava

Training your cat to sit

Training cats is easier than you might think, as long as your cat is motivated by food.

To teach your cat to sit, get your bag of treats and sit on the floor in front of your cat. Give him a couple treats to start. Choose a hand gesture you can be consistent with. This is important. I use an open hand facing forward and then close my fingers, making a fist with my knuckles pointing up.

If he's sitting already you'll need put him in a standing position first. Then, say "sit" with your hand gesture and push his butt down. Give him a treat and say "good sit!". Stand him up again and repeat. It only takes about 10-30 minutes for him to get it. Always see if he'll sit on his own within a second or two before you push his butt down.

Do that every day before feeding him and you'll find it becomes more automatic.