Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· mojo706

Use Laravel Generator(unofficial) to generate models, views, controllers and more

I have been using Laravel Link for a while now, and it is Great. I found myself repeating the same stuff. For example creating models, views, controllers, migrations and it was getting well boring. I went to the web (where else?) in search of an easier way of automating the process of said resources

Thanks to the web forces I chanced upon the Laravel Generator Link written by JeffreyWay and voila my life is now easier. Installation instructions are on the Github Page

According to Way and from my usage, the generator can generate

  • Controllers
  • Models
  • Views
  • Migrations and Schema
  • Resources
  • Assets
  • Tests

    For example

    php artisan generate:view users.index

    php artisan generate:controller books index edit

As can be seen from its features, The Generator is pretty awesome it will really cut down on some of the time spent dealing with this mundane stuff and let you enjoy the beauty of Laravel.

If you further want to speed up your workflow you could create aliases for this repetitive tasks but that's for another pro tip :)

Happy coding and remember to Have Fun