Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· sheirllygomes

Steps to Become a Certified Personal Trainer

As more and more people are becoming health cautious, the demand for personal trainers is increasing. In fact, this has become one of the fastest growing professions lately. If you are interested to become a personal trainer it is important you know everything about it beforehand. Here we will explain how to become a certified personal trainer so that you make it your profession and enjoy your work as well.

The first thing that you will need to do is find out whether you are eligible to become a fitness trainer or not. Although there are no specific prerequisites, you should be more than 18 years, you must have passed a CPR class and you must have a high school diploma. Make sure you understand everything that is needed to become a fitness trainer before you jump into the decision. After all, you are opting for the career for living.

The second step will be to choose whether you would go for a certification program or opt to get a degree in exercise science, sports and fitness education or kinesiology. The latter will require specific years of regular study while the latter will give you the flexibility of completing the course in one fourth times and you can study at flexible hours also. However, getting a degree will give you comprehensive understanding of personal fitness and training.


If you select the certification course, you must <a href=""> register with a certification organization</a>. Be sure that the group you choose is certified by NCCA. Although most of the certification courses allow you to study on your own with the textbook, you should work hard and visit the writing centers from time to time and take the tests offered. This will help you grasp the course in a better way and boost your confidence as well.

Once you have the certificate you should maintain your knowledge by continuous study and learning. You can now select your work venue and check out whether they require a personal trainer or not. Do not forget to maintain a fitness regime of yours so that your personality reflects your worthiness for the job.