Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· w0ng

Pentadactyl: "I'm Feeling Lucky" searches


Perform "I'm Feeling Lucky" Google searches in the current tab or in a new tab with s or S, respectively.


By default, s and S for Google searches are redundant, since set defsearch=google allows Google searches with o and t.

How? (Linux instructions)

1) Save to ~/.mozilla/firefox/YOURPROFILE.default/searchplugins/google-ssl.xml

2) Set the keyword for the search engine

Open Firefox.

:set guioptions+=T

Search bar icon --> Manage Search Engines.

I'm Feeling Lucky (SSL) --> Edit Keyword --> s --> OK

3) Edit ~/.pentadactylrc

nmap -builtin s :open s<Space>

nmap -builtin S :tabopen s<Space>

4) Restart Firefox.

1 Response
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Great tip!

You can get to the 'Manage Search Engines' page faster (and without adding GUI elements) with:

:dialog searchengines

over 1 year ago ·