Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· florenceokosun

Gephi doesn't start

Okay, lets talk SNA (Social networks Analysis), some folks call it Organizational networks analysis ONA.

Gephi is an open-source tool you can download from and install on your windows machine to do some SNA.

I had some troubles getting it to run. It installs (beta-version) but never starts! I got some useful tips from folks out there and i would love to share with whoever may find this useful:

a. First, download this snapshot from (under Nightly Builds)

b. As you will see from there, you will be needing to first install Java JDK 7 before you can run the gephi installation.

c. Also, make sure your graphics card is up to date

d. When b and c are taken care of then, unzip the file you downloaded for the gephi installation and go to bin folder and run the 64bit installation (if ur system is 64bits)

THAT DOES IT! Hope this information helps someone out there...


Thanks withforesight.