Last Updated: September 09, 2019
· gerardsans

Why I am trying Medium...

As many of you, I am trying to put some information out there. At the moment I am writing about JavaScript and Angular. The experience at coderwall has been mixed.


  • Developers feel
  • Nice looking UI


  • Poor performance
  • I can't give access to people to my full list of protips without being asked to get registered
  • Poor formatting. See these bullets? Just don't try to get your code looking good... Fixed now after a change request: bullets, code formatting

Looking at other options... Medium

Today I have written my first entry at Medium. It's not ideal but I will try a little bit longer to feel the difference. See the result for my latest protip medium vs coderwall


  • Hipster feel
  • Nice fonts
  • Accepts github gists with acceptable formatting
  • I can create collections and give out a single public url


  • Strange editor flow
  • Simple default code formatting (Alt+6)
  • Ackward paragraph blocks vs markdown freedom

Let me know about your thoughts or other alternatives.

