Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· mdeiters

Uploading DNSiple SSL Certs to AWS Cloudfront

We purchased a comodo wildcard certificate from DNSimple and kept getting:

Amazon Web Services – A client error (MalformedCertificate) occurred when calling the UploadServerCertificate operation: Unable to parse certificate. Please ensure the certificate is in PEM format

Don't forget to add the "file://" - its essential

aws iam upload-server-certificate \
--server-certificate-name callThisWhatEverYouLikeItDoesntMatter \
--path /cloudfront/ \
--certificate-body file://STAR_yourdomain_com.crt \
--private-key file://STAR_yourdomain_com.key \
--certificate-chain file://STAR_yourdomain_com_bundle.pem

1 Response
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Thanks man, you saved our lives with the Don't forget to add the "file://" tip ;-)

over 1 year ago ·