Great example of thoughtfully designed buttons
From the heroes at 37Signals. Take a look at these thoughtfully designed buttons in the new Basecamp. I really love the 'Make a Company' that's a leaf.
I haven't seen many buttons in applications that use shapes like this.
Written by Bob Jansen
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4 Responses
But will the leaf-style button be self-explanatory without a text label beneath it?

@sgolubev Not many icons are, but I still prefer icons over inherently meaningless shapes.

Link to the buttons?

actually, I think it's four circles joined together -- in Basecamp, circles are a repeating pattern used for people, so four circles are meant to symbolise a group of people -- indeed, a meaningful icon, just as you point out. Perhaps more meaningful than you were initially aware of! :-)
I hadn't noticed these elements before (except the circle). 37 Signals did a good job of introducing a consistent visual language. I love their concept of sheets.
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