Extract the table-of-contents of a rendered markdown from the console
Extract the table-of-contents of a rendered markdown from the console
Generate a markdown TOC (table of contents) with your dev console.
I was so lazy of writing the actual TOC of a README that I code a console script to do it...
Extract from the rendered markdown :
# A-H1
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...
## A-H2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...
## B-H2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...
### A-H3
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...
## C-H2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...
### A-H3
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...
### B-H3
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...
# B-H1
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...
## A-H2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...
## B-H2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...
## C-H2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...
# C-H1
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...
### A-H3
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...
The TOC like :
- [A-H1](#a-h1)
- [A-H2](#a-h2)
- [B-H2](#b-h2)
- [A-H3](#a-h3)
- [C-H2](#c-h2)
- [A-H3](#a-h3-1)
- [B-H3](#b-h3)
- [B-H1](#b-h1)
- [A-H2](#a-h2-1)
- [B-H2](#b-h2-1)
- [C-H2](#c-h2-1)
- [C-H1](#c-h1)
- [A-H3](#a-h3-2)
THE Code
// By default I extract H* tags
// from the first `.markdown-body` element (for GitHub *.md for example)
(function mdToxExtract(targetTagName, summary, e){
if (!e) {
if (targetTagName.test(e.tagName)){
var level = e.tagName.match(targetTagName)[1];
var indentation = Array.apply(null, {length: ((level - 1) * 2) + 1}).join(' ');
summary += [
'- [', e.innerText, ']',
'(', e.children[0].getAttribute('href'), ')',
setTimeout.call(null, mdToxExtract.bind(null, targetTagName, summary, e.nextElementSibling));
}.bind({}, /^H(\d+)/, ''))
Minified version :
console.clear();(function e(t,n,r){if(!r){console.log(n);return}if(t.test(r.tagName)){var i=r.tagName.match(t)[1];var s=Array.apply(null,{length:(i-1)*2+1}).join(" ");n+=[s,"- [",r.innerText,"]","(",r.children[0].getAttribute("href"),")","\n"].join("")}setTimeout.call(null,e.bind(null,t,n,r.nextElementSibling))}).bind({},/^H(\d+)/,"")(document.querySelector(".markdown-body").children[0])
Note :
The exploration is made sibling element by sibling element. So you can trigger the extraction from wherever you want in the DOM. Just select the starting point and use $0
like :
console.clear();(function e(t,n,r){if(!r){console.log(n);return}if(t.test(r.tagName)){var i=r.tagName.match(t)[1];var s=Array.apply(null,{length:(i-1)*2+1}).join(" ");n+=[s,"- [",r.innerText,"]","(",r.children[0].getAttribute("href"),")","\n"].join("")}setTimeout.call(null,e.bind(null,t,n,r.nextElementSibling))}).bind({},/^H(\d+)/,"")($0)
Written by Douglas Duteil
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