Last Updated: May 31, 2021
· nguyentaihai

Gangnam ASCII


    window.onload = function(){
        //some variables
        var r, g, b, gray;
        var character, line = "";

        //sprite stuff
        var sprite = document.getElementById("sprite");
        var W = sprite.width;
        var H = sprite.height;

        //temporary canvas for pixel processing
        var tcanvas = document.createElement("canvas");
        tcanvas.width = W;
        tcanvas.height = H; //same as the image
        var tc = tcanvas.getContext("2d");
        //painting the canvas white before painting the image to deal with pngs
        tc.fillStyle = "white";
        tc.fillRect(0, 0, W, H);
        //drawing the image on the canvas
        tc.drawImage(sprite, 0, 0, W, H);

        //accessing pixel data
        var pixels = tc.getImageData(0, 0, W, H);
        var colordata =;
        //every pixel gives 4 integers -> r, g, b, a
        //so length of colordata array is W*H*4
        for(var i = 0; i < colordata.length; i = i+4)
            r = colordata[i];
            g = colordata[i+1];
            b = colordata[i+2];
            //converting the pixel into grayscale
            gray = r*0.2126 + g*0.7152 + b*0.0722;
            //overwriting the colordata array with grayscale values
            colordata[i] = colordata[i+1] = colordata[i+2] = gray;

            //text for ascii art.
            //blackish = dense characters like "W", "@"
            //whitish = light characters like "`", "."
            if(gray > 250) character = " "; //almost white
            else if(gray > 230) character = "`";
            else if(gray > 200) character = ":";
            else if(gray > 175) character = "*";
            else if(gray > 150) character = "+";
            else if(gray > 125) character = "#";
            else if(gray > 50) character = "W";
            else character = "@"; //almost black

            //newlines and injection into dom
            if(i != 0 && (i/4)%W == 0) //if the pointer reaches end of pixel-line
                //emptying line for the next row of pixels.
                line = "";

            line += character;

        //repainting the gray image
            //tc.putImageData(pixels, 0, 0);
        //you can see the grayscale version of the sprite now
        //injecting the canvas into the DOM
            //sprite.parentNode.insertBefore(tcanvas, sprite);
        //you can see the canvas now with the image

        //animation time
        var frames = 11; //sprite got 10 frames
        var container = document.getElementById("container");
        //width of container should allow only 1 frame to be seen
        var frame_width = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(container).width)/frames;
        //window.getComputedStyle is supported in Chrome, FF, Opera, and IE9+
        //The width has "px" at the end so parseInt is used to remove that = frame_width+"px";

        //We will change the margin-left of ascii to move it. = "0";

        setInterval(loop, 1000/20);

        function loop()
            var current_ml = parseFloat(;
            //if the ascii reaches the last frame(9th in this case)
            //margin needs to be reset to 0
            //frame_width * (10-1) * -1(because we are taking the margin negative)
            if(current_ml == frame_width*(frames-1)*-1)
       = "0";
       = (current_ml - frame_width) + "px";
