JavaScript: Is the variable defined?
Sometimes, you may want to check if a variable is already defined e.g. to not override definitions made by other scripts. However, there are many ways to check if a variable is or isn't defined in JavaScript. Here, I'll try to cover some of them.
The first one is checking if the value of the variable is identical to undefined:
var x; // x is declarated, but doesn't has a value i.e. undefined
if (x === undefined) { // True
// x is undefined
This approach only works if the variable is, at least, declarated. If it isn't, a ReferenceError
happens. To avoid this, use typeof
var x;
if (typeof x === "undefined") { // True
// ...
if (typeof y === "undefined") { // True, with y not declarated.
// ...
Another way to check if a variable is declarated is to check on the scope, or, if the variable is global, on the global object.
var x;
if ("x" in this) { // True
// ...
if ("y" in this) { // Nope, but look, no error
// ...
var Klazz = function() {
this.something = 0;
if ("something" in this) { // Also true
// ...
As a last note, this
, in the global scope, on most browsers, is the same as the window
Mozilla Developer Network - Undefined
Stack Overflow
Written by Ramon Dantas
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In most cases undefined
is not declared variable. If you want to declare empty variable, initialize it with null
, not undefined
and then just test for condition typeof x == 'undefined'