Generate a unique id in Unity using a property drawer
The goal
In a scriptable object or prefab sometimes you need a unique id to identify the asset, would be nice to just mark a string with an attribute
public string uniqueId;
and in the inspector get a read only label displaying a unique id for that asset, assigned to your ivar and ready to use at runtime.
How to:
First you need to define the attribute, in this case we just need a type, so define somewhere:
public class UniqueIdentifierAttribute : PropertyAttribute { }
Then write a custom property drawer. as it is an editor script, the next file need to be placed in the Editor dir in unity.
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
[CustomPropertyDrawer (typeof(UniqueIdentifierAttribute))]
public class UniqueIdentifierDrawer : PropertyDrawer
public override void OnGUI (Rect position, SerializedProperty prop, GUIContent label)
string assetPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath (prop.serializedObject.targetObject.GetInstanceID ());
string uniqueId = AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID (assetPath);
prop.stringValue = uniqueId;
Rect textFieldPosition = position;
textFieldPosition.height = 16;
DrawLabelField (textFieldPosition, prop, label);
void DrawLabelField (Rect position, SerializedProperty prop, GUIContent label)
EditorGUI.LabelField (position, label, new GUIContent (prop.stringValue));
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Written by Samir Hadi
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2 Responses

Sadly it isn't generating a unique ID with Unity 4.5 for me. Let me know at @ashbluewd on Twitter if you know of a fix.

This should work if the property drawer is applied to a scriptable object, or a prefab not in the scene (Instantiate it at runtime will retain the id set)