Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· GregSmith250

Live Chat for Shopify Website

Live Chat Software can reduce the pressure from customer support agent, as it enable you to handle multiple online customers at one point of time. For website created on Shopify, I would like to refer eAssistance Pro live chat software. It is an easy to integrate live chat solution.

eAssistance Pro can provide you a secure and reliable environment to provide real time customer support on website. There are many advanced features are available, which help you to grow your online business -

Easily integrated with CMS
Allow you to handle multiple customer queries
User friendly GUI
Operator to Operator chat transfer
Proactive chat invitation
Automated Canned Responses
Secure and reliable
Fully Customizable
Time and money saving process

To get it's integration process with Shopify follow the given instruction at

For more help visit